What is the Finnish SaaS Market Like Today? Speaker Antti Pietilä, SaaS Club

August 15, 2024
Paavo Pauklin

The software business is rapidly becoming cloud-based, so let's talk about SaaS or cloud software.

Where is Finland now in SaaS? In this episode, Antti Pietilä, founder and leader of the Software and E-business Association's SaaS Club and a SaaS entrepreneur himself at Loyalistic Oy, discusses this with Paavo Pauklin.

What does SaaS, or Software-as-a-Service, mean? What is SaaS, and what is not SaaS? And what are the advantages of SaaS for the buyer and the software company?

How do the dynamics of SaaS business differ from traditional business software? Understanding this is important for the SaaS company itself, of course, but also for the company acquiring cloud software. So what can be negotiated, and what specifically is not worth negotiating?

When cloud software is often inexpensive, can a SaaS company succeed only by focusing on Finland?

So what are Finnish SaaS companies like? And who are the stand-outs? Listen or watch the podcast episode to find out.

You can follow Antti Pietilä on LinkedIn and Twitter. This episode also mentions the Loyalistic marketing automation software and the Software and E-business Association's SaaS Club, which Antti runs.


Everyone Needs Developers - Podcast

Entrepreneurs, managers, and experts join Paavo Pauklin to discuss the resourcing and growth of software development. The conversation features success stories, including both successes and failures.

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Meet the authors

Paavo Pauklin
Executive Board Member
+372 6 555 022
Joseph Carson
Ethical Hacker, Cybersecurity Advisor
+372 6 555 022

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