Zero to 100 Growth - How Did Wunderdog Do it in 5 Years? A Podcast with Ville Komulainen

August 15, 2024
Paavo Pauklin

Software services company Wunderdog has grown from zero to 100 employees in five years. How was this possible, and what has it taken?
In this podcast episode, Paavo Pauklin is joined by one of the founders, COO Ville Komulainen, to tell Wunderdog's story. This episode starts with Ville Komulainen's own 20 journeys from coding on Commandore 64 to the boots of a leader. What has that personal development been like?

Since Wunderdog's staff mainly work at customers, how do staff feel they are part of Wunderdog's team and culture?

What is required of a software developer today? Is it better to manage two full-stacks or frontend and backend?

And what does rapid growth mean for employees? How does working differ between a company with a few people and a company with a hundred?

And finally, an important question: what would Ville Komulainen do differently now if Wunderdog was starting up?

Listen or watch the podcast episode to learn how Wunderdog grew from zero to 100 employees and what they learned along the way.

Everyone Needs Developers - Podcast

Entrepreneurs, managers, and experts join Paavo Pauklin to discuss the resourcing and growth of software development. The conversation features success stories, including both successes and failures.

Software Development Services

Meet the authors

Paavo Pauklin
Executive Board Member
+372 6 555 022
Joseph Carson
Ethical Hacker, Cybersecurity Advisor
+372 6 555 022

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